Monday, June 15, 2020

Title Explanation

You may be curious about the name of my blog. Unless of course, you were actually googling the phrase "Dahl's Chickens", in which case, you totally get the reference and are now wondering how you ending up on some random chick's blog.

Dahl's Chickens comes from the children's book, The BFG, by Roald Dahl.

“I is reading it hundreds of times,' the BFG said. 'And I is still reading it and teaching new words to myself and how to write them. It is the most scrumdiddlyumptious story.'

Sophie took the book out of his hand. 'Nicholas Nickleby,' she read aloud.

'By Dahl's Chickens,' the BFG said.”

If you are thinking to yourself "What book by who?" Roald Dahl is also the author of the classic children's books Charlie and the Chocolate, Matilda, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, James and the Giant Peach, and so many more. I am not just a book lover, I am book obsessed and Dahl is the author who made me fall in love with books and reading. I even have a picture of Matilda and a quote from the book tattooed on my leg.

There are a lot of movies based on Dahl's books and if that is your only exposure to his work you need head to the library or the bookstore today. I don't care if you are single, married, a parent, a child, or an octogenarian. Dahl's witty and magical stories transcend differences like age.

If you have a busy schedule, a long drive scheduled in the future, or are just looking for a different experience there are a number of excellent audiobook versions of Dahl's books. In 2013 Penguin Audio released new audio versions of several Dahl books featuring famous actors from the United Kingdom. Kate Winslett reads Matilda, Stephen Fry reads The Enormous Crocodile, Hugh Laurie reads The Giraffe, the Pelly, and Me, and more!

There have been very few things to be excited about during the recent Covid-19 pandemic, but one of those is definitely the live readings of James and the Giant Peach by actor and academy award winning filmmaker Taika Waititi. Taika invites different celebrity friends (Benedict Cumberbatch, Meryl Streep, the Hemsworth brothers, and so many more) for each episode. My childen range in age from 4 to 13 and we have all been enjoying this hilariously funny rendition of one of my favorite Dahl stories. Each episode is available on youtube so be sure to check them out.

One of the things that makes Dahl's writing so special is his use of language. Use is probably the wrong word since Dahl actually invents so much language. If you have read or watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory you may recognize vermicious knids, whangdoodles, or snozzcumbers, or perhaps adjectives like splendiferous and scrumdiddlyumptious. Invented words pop up in almost all of Dahl's books and now you can learn them all in actual dictionary of Dahlish (or Dahlese, maybe).
I know that I am exposing myself as the biggest nerd ever, but my husband actually gave me this dictionary for Valentine's Day when it was first published. Yep, no flowers or jewelry for this girl. After twenty something years he knows that books are the way to my heart.


Dahl's literary genius is not limited to children's books. If you are a fan of classic Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents you should know that Roald Dahl actually wrote a number of stories that eventually became episodes of these two shows.  If you read my introductory post you know that I am a huge Trekkie and one of the most famous episodes of The Twilight Zone stars none other than William Shatner, aka Captain Kirk. Nightmare at 20,000 Feet is based on the Roald Dahl book The Gremlins.

Oh my goodness, I could just go on and on about Roald Dahl. If you are interested in learning more about his life Dahl wrote two autobiographies. Boy is about his childhood and Going Solo details Dahl's experiences as a pilot during WWII. Both are exceptional books and I don't usually like nonfiction.

I hope that if you have never heard of Roald Dahl that you are intrigued by this post. If you have heard of Dahl maybe you will learn something or find a new book or audiobook that will make you love him as much as I do. If you need another reason just read this quote of his about writing.

“I have a passion for teaching kids to become readers, to become comfortable with a book, not daunted. Books shouldn’t be daunting, they should be funny, exciting and wonderful.”

Sunday, June 7, 2020


I'll be honest, I have zero expectations that anyone will actually read this blog. Being in quarantine for the past couple of months has given me a lot of time (maybe too much) to think about what I know and love about being a mom, a wife, a librarian, a woman, a geek, etc.

I read a ton of blogs about a number of different topics that interest me both personally and professionally. In my opinion, it is a great way to gain knowledge and inspiration from other people. I'm not claiming to be the best anything (wow that is an endorsement for my blog). However, I believe that I have experiences, both good and bad, and wisdom gained from both worth sharing.  If anything, you can laugh at all the crazy mistakes I have made, because I can often be a neurotic mess.

And isn't that something that we all hate about some parenting or professional blogs? The perfection? Yes, I home school all seven of my children who always look like they are posing for a gap kids catalog and by time my husband walks through the door I have prepared a five course meal while wearing heals and it includes vegetables that all the children eat. Yeah, that is not me, not even close.

So, who am I? Well, I am a forty-something mom of four living in the rural Michigan. If you were to hold up your hand to form a mitten I am right about in the middle. I am a youth librarian, which I love. Hey, I was voted class bookworm in middle and high school so it really is my dream profession.

You probably already think that I am a nerd being a librarian, but just to hammer it home I am obsessed with science fiction and fantasy. Seriously, my husband and I have been on two Star Trek themed cruises! What's funny is people will ask my husband how he talked his wife into going on a Star Trek cruise and he has to tell them that his wife is the Trekkie. Some women may be embarrassed by this, but I think once you pass forty you realize it really doesn't matter what other people think. Life is just too damn short to not enjoy whatever makes you smile.

I guess you can stay tuned to future posts for book recommendations, story time ideas,  parenting do's and don'ts, and whatever else I happen to feel like writing about.

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