Sunday, June 7, 2020


I'll be honest, I have zero expectations that anyone will actually read this blog. Being in quarantine for the past couple of months has given me a lot of time (maybe too much) to think about what I know and love about being a mom, a wife, a librarian, a woman, a geek, etc.

I read a ton of blogs about a number of different topics that interest me both personally and professionally. In my opinion, it is a great way to gain knowledge and inspiration from other people. I'm not claiming to be the best anything (wow that is an endorsement for my blog). However, I believe that I have experiences, both good and bad, and wisdom gained from both worth sharing.  If anything, you can laugh at all the crazy mistakes I have made, because I can often be a neurotic mess.

And isn't that something that we all hate about some parenting or professional blogs? The perfection? Yes, I home school all seven of my children who always look like they are posing for a gap kids catalog and by time my husband walks through the door I have prepared a five course meal while wearing heals and it includes vegetables that all the children eat. Yeah, that is not me, not even close.

So, who am I? Well, I am a forty-something mom of four living in the rural Michigan. If you were to hold up your hand to form a mitten I am right about in the middle. I am a youth librarian, which I love. Hey, I was voted class bookworm in middle and high school so it really is my dream profession.

You probably already think that I am a nerd being a librarian, but just to hammer it home I am obsessed with science fiction and fantasy. Seriously, my husband and I have been on two Star Trek themed cruises! What's funny is people will ask my husband how he talked his wife into going on a Star Trek cruise and he has to tell them that his wife is the Trekkie. Some women may be embarrassed by this, but I think once you pass forty you realize it really doesn't matter what other people think. Life is just too damn short to not enjoy whatever makes you smile.

I guess you can stay tuned to future posts for book recommendations, story time ideas,  parenting do's and don'ts, and whatever else I happen to feel like writing about.

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